Read MoreIt’s that time of the year. Race season is winding down,Ironman is doing a great job of flooding your inbox with “tier one sold out” propaganda and your friends on social media are sharing all the races that they have already signed up for next year, so you’re feeling the heat to get some races “on the calendar.” Here are some tips to help you plan a successful race season.
Read More…I can honestly say I enjoyed everything about this experience - from the training, to race week to the actual event. And as soon as I crossed the finish line, I knew I was going to do IM Mont Tremblant in 2019… I’m super excited about 2019 and can’t wait to see what’s in store for Year #2 as an RR athlete.
Read MoreThis course is not easy, as you can tell, but it’s not supposed to be easy now is it!?!? The vibe of the weekend is so worth the dirt on your legs and the hangover on Sunday morning. Have fun and be prepared to have your ass handed to you with a side of grassroots loving.
Read MoreThe night before the Sandman I was at work. We weren’t that busy with equine patients requiring care so I spent a good chunk of time researching my biggest worry. Great. White. Sharks…
Read MoreHave you heard of Ötillö? That crazy race in Sweden where people swim between and run over 20+ islands? That race that Pippa Middleton once did? (Yes, she’s a total boss.) Well, this is sort of like that, only shorter and not in Sweden.
Read MoreI can say is that this is by far the hardest, most rewarding race I have ever done. Running, climbing, crawling, cursing (yet no crying) through the French and Swiss alps is an unbelievable experience, one I would hope to repeat.
Read MoreThis race was “The Comeback”. The race where I had a DNF before, and was determined to return with a solid finish. All in 7:34:55 - a huge success considering my mind was totally on getting back in my car and driving the 12 hours back to MS to be with my mom. I pick it apart all the time, and I truly am now finished trying to prove anything to myself with this course. I did prove that I could race without much training- which I DO NOT recommend, and that if I recover properly I can pick up my training right away.
Read MoreI crossed the finish in 5:06:46 (an 8-min PR) and when I looked up Coach A was there, holding my medal. That moment was incredible. I've trusted her now for over a year and having her place my medal was special. We hugged hard, took a picture to remember that moment and then went on a 15-min run (mental strength training - doing that thing you sure as hell don't want to do) before drinking the most delicious Blue Moon beer I have ever had.
"I wanted to show up in Hopkinton on race day and know that I collected every single piece of hay there was to put in my barn. And then I wanted to burn it the f*ck down."Read More